Firmware Version: v1.4.65
MYTVOnline 2 Version: v7.8.5
Hello folks,
We have exciting news today! We are back with the new software update for Z8 and Z Alpha.
These release notes provide the most up-to-date information about new features, known issues, and improvements so please read them through for more information.
One of beautiful things about this SW update is a New User Interface for Live TV. This new user interface reshapes the live TV interface to be more modern, simple, and easy-to-read. You will discover a brand new experience while watching TV.
Favorite channels editor is also a great feature newly added in this update. This feature allows you to arrange favorite channels in your desired order and to make up to 10 different favorite groups.
We recommend users install this update to enjoy better features and more stable functionality to your device. You can download the OTA software updates directly from your device using the built-in update app.
Download it, Use it and Love it!
Release Notes:
Firmware Version: 1.4.65
Install and use at your own risk. Software cannot be rolled back after installation.
New Features, Fixes & Improvements
ㆍADD: Turn off Bluetooth pairing requests
- Android Settings > Security & restrictions > Allow incoming BT pairing requests
ㆍADD: Show recording icon in Launcher notification bar when background recording is in progress
ㆍIMP: Show active values for IP settings and Proxy Settings in Android Network Settings menu
ㆍFIX: Portal credentials get erased when new remote config is deployed and overwritten
Bug fixes, optimizations, and performance enhancements
MYTVOnline 2: 7.8.5
Install and use at your own risk. Software cannot be rolled back after installation.
New Features, Fixes & Improvements
ㆍADD: New User Interface for Live TV
ㆍADD: Favorite Channels Editor
- Access from Live > Groups > Press LEFT
- Add up to 10 different favorite groups
- Arrange channels in your desired order
- Up to 300 channels per group
ㆍADD: Record one channel, watch another channel for multi-connection XC portals
ㆍADD: Settings > HLS Fast Start ON/OFF
- ON: Ramp up from the lowest bitrate first
ㆍADD: More Series metadata based on OSD Language
ㆍADD: Direct channel number input from Grid EPG
ㆍIMP: Continuous play from Catchup for XC portals
ㆍIMP: Removed software update popup for non-essential updates
ㆍIMP: Move “View catchup in Grid EPG” option to Portal Settings
ㆍFIX: Catchup/Replay bug when local timeshift is enabled
ㆍFIX: Displayed fps does not match AFR fps
ㆍFIX: xmltv EPG download issue
ㆍBug fixes, options, and performance enhancements